Erasmus+ International Week 2021 at University of Public and Individual Security “Apeiron” in Krakow
10–14 May 2021
Venue: Krakow, Poland/online
Participant registration: if you want to come to WSBPI “Apeiron” at 10–14 May 2021 and take part in Erasmus+ International Week 2021, write to us:
During the Erasmus+ International Week 2021 at “Apeiron” the scientific conference LVIII CICA – XVI Security Forum Krakow 2021 (13–14 May) will be held. Participants of our Erasmus+ Week will have opportunity to take part in that event and share their experience with Erasmus+.
Preliminary schedule
13 May 2021, Thursday
Universities presentation session
& Erasmus+ COVID-19 experience sharing
We kindly invite each Erasmus+ International Week participant to give a few minutes’ speech in which he/she will introduce his/her university and share with us his/her university’s experiences with Erasmus+ programme during the COVID-19 pandemic.
14 May 2021, Friday
Presentation and discussion:
“Ecology, citizenship and digitalisation – new trends in Erasmus+”
Participants will hear the presentation prepared by WSBPI “Apeiron” Erasmus+ team. Then, we will discuss together how ecology, citizenship and digitalisation are (or can be) addressed in our universities’ Erasmus+ programmes.
Both 13 and 14 May 2021
Erasmus+ Information Desk
We invite you to come to our Erasmus+ Information Desk! You will be able to meet WSBPI “Apeiron” Erasmus+ Team and other Erasmus+ participants. You can pick up some of our Erasmus+ materials, ask about Erasmus+ cooperation with WSBPI “Apeiron”, share good Erasmus+ practices – or simply chat with us so we all polish our English language skills!